CIPEC and its employees has a concern and great responsibility in relation to environmental issues. Therefore CIPEC develop constantly programs and initiatives to reduce the damage and the maintenance of natural resources of the planet.
The maximum resources are reutilized by CIPEC by means of recycling or reuse and, where it is not possible to reutilize internally, CIPEC takes these materials to community cooperatives.

There is also the program of selective collection. CIPEC in partnership with the Indaiatuba’s city hall offers a container for collection of recyclable materials. The employees deposit recyclable materials separated and brought from home which are collected periodically.Another important initiative is through the work of the department of Marketing, with actions of environmental awareness, encouraging the planting of trees and ecological developement of souvenirs. This is the way Cipec pursue to apply and multiply the environmental awareness, working for conservation of natural resources of the planet
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